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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

A portrait of a man in his mid-30s with a full beard, dressed in a white shirt and dark jacket.

THI graduate returns to Business School as lecturer

The lecture “Trade Controlling” in the bachelor program International Trade Management (IHM) at THI Business School has been taken over by IHM… more
Insper University amid the brightly lit skyline of Sao Paulo.

Prof. Dr. Marc Knoppe expands cooperation with Insper University during visit

During the lecture-free period, Prof. Dr. Marc Knoppe, Program Director of the Retail and Consumer Management (RCM) program at THI Business School,… more
Two men stand in front of a bright wall, which is marked with the THI Business School vision: “We develop personalities with responsible and innovative mindsets and comprehensive skills in general management for success in a globalized economy".

Research successes of professors at THI Business School

Dr. Cristian Loza Adaui and Dr. Alexander Schuhmacher, professors at THI Business School, were recently able to publish their latest research results… more
A group of young people and an MTU employee look at a turbine.

THI Business School starts winter semester 2023/24 with over 500 freshmen

The THI Business School welcomed many new faces again this semester. More than 420 Bachelor and around 100 Master students started their first… more
Three men are sitting at a set table and talking.

How art and e-commerce use data

Art and e-commerce have nothing in common? That is not true! For the FAZ Vor:Denker, there was a very interesting conversation between data artist… more


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