Transfer at THI: Our news

Behavioural sciences in dialogue with politics and administration

Participation in Behavioural Insights Connect 2024 at the Federal Chancellery more
Gruppenbild der elf Ausgezeichneten mit Urkunden der FGF

Entrepreneurship and transformation

Future viability in times of fundamental change: experts discussed this topic at this year's Start-up Forum (G-Forum) organized by Technische… more

When Christian Lösel becomes Robert Downey Jr,

then artificial intelligence (AI) is involved. On Volunteer Day, THI Professor Munir Georges and his team amazed the audience at the Ingolstadt City… more

Study Programme Development Workshop in Tashkent

In July 2024, the consortium partners of the RE.Act project met for the first official project meeting in Tashkent.The first Study Programme… more

InES advises Zambian universities on renewable energies on behalf of the FAO

In mid-2024, the Institute for new Energy Systems (InES) at THI launched its mission as part of the "Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to… more

AMBER project-team-meeting on biogas utilization in Morocco and Germany

July marked a significant milestone for the AMBER project with a gathering of all university partners at the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) at… more

Project BioM0876: Workshop on highly flexible biomethane projects

On 12 June 2024, the first comprehensive workshop ‘Obstacles and approaches in the development of highly flexible biomethane projects - focus on CHP… more
Fünf Personen im Außenbereich des Campus in Neuburg, die vor einer Pinnwand mit unterschiedlichen Tags stehen und dieskutieren

Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with… more