From October 23 to 25, Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber and Niklas Denter (research associate) engaged in a productive exchange with Lorica Energiesysteme…
The next Lunch Learning event will take place on Monday, the 13th of January at 1 p.m. with the topic: ‘What if? - Playful handling of futures in the…
At Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Professor Volker Stiehl is developing a pioneering methodology for digital transformation with his ‘process-driven…
How can society, the economy, and the environment actively shape the profound transformation? This question was at the centre of the third scientific…
With Lunch & Learn - Knowledge with Bite, THI is launching a new online format that offers exciting insights into current topics such as artificial…
At this year's hackathon, 14 teams presented their creative solutions for the mobility of tomorrow. The competition, in which around 80 students from…