Transfer at THI: Our news

The results of the E-Mobility Kenya Project

Siemens Stiftung with its implementation partner WeTu Ltd aims to deliver sustainable and innovative solutions to improve lives in rural Kenya through… more

Weather station installed in off-grid settlement Tsumkwe

In cooperation with local partners, the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) has set up a modern meteorological station in a remote off-grid… more
1st place went to Share Music

5-Euro-Business online finale: Instrument brokerage platform takes first place

The presentations of the seven participating start-up teams were the crowning finale of the 5-Euro Business Start-up Competition in the winter… more

Final workshop "SmartBio": Biogas plants as players in the smart market - Raising additional revenue potential

The Energy Systems Engineering research group of the Institute of New Energy Systems (InES) at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), together with… more

REMO project team visits IBC SOLAR AG in Bad Staffelstein, Germany

During the visit of some researchers of the REMO project to the long-term partner IBC SOLAR AG (IBC) in Bad Staffelstein, one of the topics discussed… more

Measures for the Optimisation of District Heating Networks

On Tuesday, 14th of December 2021, the digital conference “Wärmewende mitgestalten – Optimierung von Wärmenetzen” (“Contribution to Heat Transition –… more

Linking Science and Industry – 2 Continents, 2 Days Digital Conference, 8 Universities and 20 speakers

With 75 attendees in total the digital conference “Linking Science and Industry: Renewable Energy Research, Innovation and Higher Education in Africa“… more

Ultraeffizientes Energiesystem für Continental

Das Institut für neue Energie-Systeme der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt hat im Zeitraum Januar 2020 bis Oktober 2021 bei dem Unternehmen Conti… more

InES booth at the OFF-GRID Expo & Conference Augsburg

On December 2nd and 3rd, the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) presented both the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and its international project… more