Transfer at THI: Our news

First exciting films, then interesting discussions with experts (Photo: THI/KU).

Science meets film – wissen.schafft.wir. KINO in Ingolstadt and Eichstätt

Watching films and talking to scientists – that's what cinema-goers can do until the end of December at the Audi Programmkino Ingolstadt and the… more

Lecture series eTHIcs starts

Scientists at THI shed light on different areas of technology ethics. They ask moral questions regarding the use of technology. more
THI President Professor Walter Schober gave politicians a tour of the campus (Photo: THI).

Mobility Day at the THI

On October 4th, visitors to the THI were able to experience research on the topic of mobility firsthand: Whether it was a test drive in an electric… more

Final PROCEED Conference and trip

The closing conference in Windhoek, Namibia, on September 14th and 15th marked the end of the German-Namibian research project PROCEED. During the… more

Final documentation for research project "BlueMilk" published

Researchers from the Institute for new Energy Systems (InES) under the leadership of Prof. Holzhammer studied the question of how energy supply and… more

Real Lab in Full Operation: Showcasing Successful Solar Thermal Energy Use at High-Altitude and Cold Climatic Region in Kyrgyzstan

The Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) is responsible for work package 5 (renewable energies)… more
Researchers from THI and KU once again report on their fields of work at the joint children's university - and are available to answer questions from the schoolchildren (Photo: Schulte Strathaus/upd).

Children's university goes into the next round

How robots help in hospitals and how toys are made: Registration begins for the Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Children's University. more
Impulse generator and author Franziska Hegner with the book "Stufen des automatisierten Fahrens" (Photo: THI).

Automated driving with the Hansen family

The transfer project "Man in Motion" of the THI and the KU has published the children's book "The Steps of Automated Driving" in cooperation with… more

Projekt BIO-FIT: Dritter Workshop-Durchgang stößt erneut auf reges Interesse

Im Rahmen der Workshopreihe „Biogas nach dem EEG – Handlungsmöglichkeiten für Anlagenbetreiber“ fand am 10. August die dritte Wiederholung des… more