Cora Unger

Student Ambassador UXD
Write to our student ambassadors via the contact form. You can select several study programmes you are interested in at the same time.
Contact our student ambassadors
Why did you choose this study course?
For me, UXD is the perfect combination of all my interests: I am super fond of being creative, but technical aspects were also important to me. Besides design basics and projects, you also learn programming, but without the theoretical computer science aspects. In addition, the study course / degree course / degree programme also covers psychological basics and many other topics, so you end up with a pretty broad range of skills.
What is your tip for study orientation?
Of course, it's best to try out a lot beforehand to narrow down your own fields of interest. It also helps to talk to students about what they think about their degree programme and whether they would recommend it. You often learn more details in conversation than just by reading brochures. Reading module handbooks also often helps to get a better idea of what content is being taught.
What do you like best about the THI?
I think you feel at home very quickly at the THI and somehow familiar with everything, firstly because the campus is not huge and secondly because the study groups are not too large.
What are your favourite subjects?
Web technologies and human-machine interface design.
Your personal insider tip for student life:
Regarding learning: Qualitative over quantitative, regarding student life itself: Say yes to all kinds of experiences and thus broaden your own horizons.