Due to the current dynamic changes in economy, technology and society the necessity of future skills increases significantly. Hence, the needed qualifications are on the one hand foresight research, development of strategies, innovation, business development and change management and on the other hand skills to control these changes like corporate responsibility, technology assessment and business ethics. The international master's degree „Global Foresight and Technology Management” with its unique position is the perfect answer to this requirement. The programme is fully taught in English and welcomes both German and international students. It is designed as an interdisciplinary programme at the interface of technology, economy and sociology with a strong focus on foresight.
Global Foresight and Technology Management (M. Sc.)
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
3 semesters
Summer & Winter
The teaching concept offers digitalized courses (e.g. inverted classroom) in combination with a lot of practical project studies to enhance the learning progress (first half of the semester concentrates on theoretical basics, the second half on practical application).
A wide range of career prospects are available. There is a wide field of application in specialist or management roles in national or international companies and organizations.
Generally the contents focus on
- Digitalization
- Internationality
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability
Five clusters offer a maximum of interdisciplinarity:
Strategic Foresight and Trend Analysis
- Customer-, technology-, and competitor-foresight
- Trend analysis and strategic early identification
- Visioning
- Strategic simulation methods
- Prognostic crowdsourcing
- Delphi method
- Scenario technique
- Trendreceiver method
- Analysis of Science Fiction
Project Future Life Worlds
- Application of foresight methods and methods of trend analysis within a project study based on examples
- Enhancement of the learning process through practical experiences
- Performance and limitations of different methods
Innovation Management Methods
- Agile management of innovation processes and projects
- Creativity methods and tools for ideation and problem solving
- Design Thinking
- Open Innovation
- Stage-Gate-Process
- Marketing of innovations
Technology Design and Evaluation
- Modern technologies and technology trends
- Successful development and marketing of technologies and products
- Application-specific selection of adequate technologies
- Product lifecycle management (Product creation process, product data management etc.)
- Technology portfolio analysis and -roadmap
- Evaluation of innovation projects and technologies
Future Business Modelling
- Successful business models (examples), key indicators (Business Model Canvas), Business Model Navigator
- Digital, sustainable and disruptive business models
- Future-oriented business models
- Business planning and profitability of business scenarios
- Entrepreneurship
- Risk management
Project Business Scenarios and Risk Management
- Profitability of scenarios within a complex project study: development and calculation of multidimensional trend scenarios based on unidimensional black and white scenarios
- Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the results
- Identification and management of risks in target scenarios
- Enhancement of the learning process through practical experiences
Transformation Processes and Change Management
- Impact of digitalization/AI, mobility and sustainability on the transformation of the economy and society – opportunities and risks
- Operational transformation processes: Enterprise Transformation Cycle
- Reasons, conditions and controlling of social transformation processes
- Management of incremental vs. radical change processes
- Models and success factors of change management
- Fears, resistance and motivation of stakeholders in change management projects
Technology Assessment and Business Ethics
- Technology assessment regarding the environment and society
- Robustness (Resilience) in the face of human uncertainties caused by new technologies
- Future-oriented skills: from uncertainties to designing the future
- More effective identification of and reaction to stakeholder requirements
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate governance and compliance
- Intercultural leadership
Research Methods
- Understand different scientific research designs and can critically assess them
- Understand correct ways to refer to and cite from scientific literature
- Understand selected quantitative methods, specifically survey and experimental research, as well as related statistical analysis
Scientific Research Seminar
- Carrying out a complex interdisciplinary project task within small teams regarding technology development, economy und society
- Autonomous processing applying scientific methods and acquired skills
- Discussion, presentation and documentation of the project results according to scientific standards
Two Compulsory Electives
- For the individual focus and deepening of knowledge, 2 modules are selected from an elective catalog of the THI faculties
- e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility, Project Studies, Supply Chain Management or Automotive
Master's Thesis
- Capability to carry out autonomously a complex problem in the area of foresight at the interface of technology, economy and sociology on a high scientific level within the timeline of one semester
- Capability to apply the acquired skills and scientific methods
- Capability to integrate the results into a professional context and to present them in a scientific paper
1. Semester
Strategic Foresight and Trend Analysis
Project Future Life Worlds
Technology Design and Evaluation
Future Business Modelling
Transformation Processes and Change Management
Research Methods
2. Semester
Technology Assessment and Business Ethics
Innovation Management Methods
Project Business Scenarios and Risk Management
Scientific Research Seminar
Compulsory Elective 1
Compulsory Elective 2
3. Semester
Master's Thesis
Quick Info
Application dates
- New registration for this program is possible for the winter semester (October) and the summer semester (March).
- Applications may be submitted through our online application system from May 2nd to July 15th resp. from November 2nd to January 15th.
- Note that uni-assist may require up to 6 weeks to issue a VPD – see requirements below.
- Proof of Bachelor´s degree in engineering sciences, engineering and management, IT, natural sciences, economics, sociology and business administration or a degree in another related discipline at a German university with at least 210 ECTS credit points or an equivalent degree of a foreign university.
Note that all foreign applicants must submit their Bachelor's degree to uni-assist which verifies their eligibility and coverts their grades to the German grade system. Uni-Assist will issue a so called preliminary inspection documentation (VPD) which you have to upload to the application portal (similar to their other documents).
- Proof of English proficiency level B2 or higher (approved tests).
There is no requirement to formally prove German language skills for your admission. You may start with little or no German language proficiency. However, German is the official national language in Germany. The transition from your home country to the German university system and every day life will be made easier the more German you know. Furthermore, German skills will greatly increase your chances in finding a student job and or an internship at a German company.
Admission restrictions may apply. Admission is based on the grade point average of your Bachelor's degree. The average mark required depends on the number of applicants and available capacity.
Please find further information on master applications here. For applications from abroad, see our master's from abroad-pages (if you have entered our German website, please press the English button "EN" in the menu bar again).
Dubious Application Agencies
Currently, THI is receiving an increasing amount of information regarding fraudulent activities in connection with student applications to THI. Therefore, it is important for you to know the following:
- THI does not work with agencies. Please apply directly to THI via the Primuss application portal.
- THI never asks for money via agencies for application purposes.
- THI only sends emails from @thi.de.
- THI never asks for money before you receive your admission letter. If you need a VPD from uni-assist, you will have to pay a processing fee to uni-assist. However, uni-assist only checks certain documents and does not grant admission to THI.
- The application process is conducted in the THI Primuss portal. Only there will you be able to access your application progress.
Graduates are especially well prepared to take on specialist and management roles in the following areas:
- Project Management
- Product and Technology Management
- Customer-Technology-Competitor Foresight and Establishing Future Skills
- Creativity and Innovation Management
- Business Development/ Development of Trendsetting Business Models
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability
Graduates are also particulary well qualified for these tasks in an international context.
Typical industries for the graduates of this program are:
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- IT
- Mobility Industry
- Services
- Consultancy
- Education
- Cities and Communities
As of winter semester 2024/25, THI charges service fees of 500 euros per semester for students from third countries (outside the EU and the EAA (European Economic Area) . If you have any questions, please go to
Contact for prospective students
Please note: No service fees for exchange students, visiting students, participants of summer school!
Other fees amount to around 70 euros student union fee per semester.
General information on scholarship:
Financing your study programme might be a big challenge for you. On our homepage you find different opportunities of financing your academic studies at our university. Link:
Please note that financial aid programmes are mostly not open to foreign students. For scholarships for students from abroad you may have a look here:
Public funding (BAföG) is only available to Germans and to EU citizens if they have spent a considerable part of their education in Germany. The university awards a scholarship called Deutschlandstipendium once a year which cannot fully cover living expenses. Additionally we have limited funds and support some international students for a maximum of one semester. Please do not actively approach the International Office on scholarships, once a year a call for application automatically reaches all international students.
Third party scholarship:
- If you are an applicant from abroad, you may qualify for a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): www.daad.de
- If you are a German students we recommend to research for suitable scholarships on www.mystipendium.de
- Please note that we cannot offer any guidance or support concerning scholarship applications.
We recommend that single students budget at least 700-900 EUR per month to meet personal expenses (accommodation, health insurance, stay, books, semester contribution)
We recommend that single students budget at least 700-900 EUR per month to meet personal expenses (accommodation, health insurance, stay, books, semester contribution)
To prepare for your semester abroad or to learn another foreign language alongside your studies, you can take language courses at THI's own Language Center (Sprachenzentrum). The language courses are taught only by native speakers and offered at different levels. All courses are free of charge for our students. For more information please see https://www.thi.de/studium/sprachenzentrum.
THI does not run any student housing – neither on-campus nor off-campus – and therefore cannot provide you with accommodation. Here you can find more information on finding accommodation: Accomodation in Ingolstadt.
Our International Office is established especially for the international academic programs. The International Office provides an all-round service to help you with all necessary prearrangements for the organization of your study and everyday life in Ingolstadt.
The programme addresses graduates of Bachelor programmes as well as for young professionals. You can apply for the programme, if you hold a Bachelor's degree in engineering sciences, engineering and management, IT, natural sciences, economics, sociology and business administration or a degree in another related discipline.
We highly recommend an interest in interdisciplinary studies at the interface of technology, economy and sociology as well as in the current state of foresight research and challenges of the future.
Furthermore the programme addresses students that prefer a Master's programme fully taught in English, like to gain intercultural experience and go for an international career at home and/or abroad.
German applicants please see our website for Masterbewerbung
All foreign applicants must submit their Bachelor's degree to uni-assist e. V. which verifies their eligibility and coverts their grades to the German grade system. Uni-Assist will issue a so called preliminary inspection documentation (VPD) which you have to upload to the application portal.
For details, please see our website Master application from abroad
Only applicants with a Bachelor’s course equivalent to a German study course with 210 ECTS can access the Master courses of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt.
With a Bachelor’s Degree with 180 ECTS admission to the Master courses of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt is not possible.
However the regulations of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt provide the possibility of compensating the missing competences through working experience after graduating. The duration of the working experience must be at least 20 weeks (and as already mentioned after graduating from the Bachelor). Please upload proof of your working experience in the PRIMUSS portal upload area. As soon as the status of the document turns to „OK“ we checked on it and your working experience is sufficient.
Our Global Foresight and Technology Management programme is designed as an interdisciplinary program at the interface of technology, economy and sociology with a strong focus on foresight while the Master in "Engineering and Management" focusses on the entire value chain – from procurement through to research and development, production, sales and marketing and with special attention to “digitisation”.
Graduates are especially well prepared to take on specialist and management roles in the following areas:
- Project Management
- Product and Technology Management
- Customer-Technology-Competitor
- Foresight Creativity and Innovation Management
- Business Development/ Development of Trendsetting Business Models
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability
Typical industries for the graduates of this programme are:
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- IT
- Mobility Industry
- Services
- Consultancy
- Education
- Cities and Communities
The Master's is based on project-oriented studies to combine theory and practice in the best possible manner. There will be projects with direct contact to companies (without any employment or financial interest) as well as theoretical projects within a group of students at the university.
Since the program is fully taught in English, for English a proof of proficiency level B2 or higher is required (please see approved tests). If you have completed your Bachelor's in English, then you won't be required to take any test to prove English sufficiency again.
There is no requirement to formally prove German language skills for your admission. You may start with little or no German language proficiency. However, German is the official national language in Germany. The transition from your home country to the German university system and every day life will be made easier the more German you know. Furthermore, German skills will greatly increase your chances in finding a student job and or an internship at a German company.
To be able to reuse your VPD the following cirteria must be met:
- the VPD was issued after choosing a "Master-check" for Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
- the VPD is no older than one year
Further Information on this issue on our website for Master applicants from abroad.
Contact options for prospective students
Application from Nov. 15 to Jan. 15 for the summer term and from May 2 to July 15 for the winter term!
Programme Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schönmann
Phone: +49 841 9348-3509
Room: I202
E-Mail: Alexander.Schoenmann@thi.de
Module Handbook
Here you can find more information on the programme and course structure as well as a detailed course description. The Module Handbook (MHB) contains information on prerequisites, contents, learning outcomes, ECTS points, duration, workload, literature and references.
Here you can find the course descriptions:
Study and Examination Regulations
Study and examination regulations (SPO) deal with judicial matters concerning your study course. Please visit the pages of the legal department for Statutes of your study programme.
For any questions on requirements, examination regulations and more, please visit the Service Center Study Affairs.