The laboratory focuses on the education of students in the field of battery cells, battery management electronics and the development of battery measurement technology. This laboratory also serves for research in the field of battery cells and battery systems, especially for the investigation of cells and battery systems in the voltage range < 60 V.
Laboratory for Electrical Energy Storage - Battery system technology

Goals and idea
The Energy Storage Laboratory provides state-of-the-art workplaces for teaching and research in the fields of batteries, energy storage and electromobility. The aim of the laboratory is to provide students with modernly equipped workplaces for practical trainingss and theses.
For research in the field of high-voltage battery systems and electric vehicles, the Safe Energy Storage Group also operates the "Safe Energy Storage Systems" laboratory at the CARISSMA research centre.
Laboratory equipment and activities
Six electronic workstations:
- Completely equipped with measurement technology (oscilloscopes, multimeter, CAN interface, soldering stations, hand tools etc.)
- ESD protection
- Development tools for various microcontrollers (Infineon, Atmel, STM, …)
- Software for board layout and circuit simulation
- A mechanics workplace with hand tool
- HV workplace for battery assembly incl. tools and protective equipment for live working
Battery measurement technology:
- Zahner Zennium Electrochemical Workstation incl. booster (+-40 A, +-5 V) and climate chamber
- Battery system tester THI self-made (1000 A discharge, 170 A, 0...60 V) incl. 120 l Vötsch type VT4011 Temperature chamber with safety technology for lithium-ion batteries
- Hioki Milliohmmeter, Schleich insulation testers, and Huber cryostat type CC405
Battery welding system:
- Resistance welding machine for battery cells
- Miyachi ISQ20-6K
- Maximum welding current 6000 A, controller type: inverter
- Welding force 15 N to 150 N, electrode diameter: 5mm
- Welding head: FD120 with 2x displacement sensor ST128 (pneumatic movement)
In the laboratory, internships, theses and student projects of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are conducted. Students have the necessary tools for working with battery cells, battery management electronics, development of battery measurement technology at their disposal. You can find the currently offered theses and project topics with the corresponding university login here.
Wintersemster and summersemester
- Theses and research masters
- Development of semi-empirical and/or data-based models to reduce the time and cost of battery tests
- Development of a battery management system for second-life batteries
- Estimation of state of charge (SoC) and/or state of health (SOH) in real driving cycles
- Ageing data set for lithium-ion batteries based on real driving profiles of electric vehicles
- Application of active balancing strategies for heterogeneous battery cells
Laboratory management and team
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Georg Schweiger
Phone: +49 841 9348-4500
Room: H026