Welcome, Prof. Nikoletta Sofra!

[Translate to English:] Prof. Nikoletta Sofra

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Nikoletta Sofra as a new professor at THI and the Faculty of Computer Science! With an impressive career in academia and industry, she will enrich our team in the fields of electrical engineering and telecommunications.

Prof. Dr. Sofra graduated in engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2006, with a focus on electronics and telecommunications. Her diploma thesis in the field of bioinformatics was dedicated to innovative simulation methods for tumor therapy.

Her PhD in 2010 at the prestigious Imperial College London focused on prediction and optimization techniques of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), funded by an EPSRC research fellowship. During her PhD, she gained international research experience at the IBM Watson Research Center in the USA and contributed to major projects such as the International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences (NIS-ITA).

After her doctorate, Nikoletta Sofra worked for over a decade at AUDI AG, where she held various positions. She contributed significantly to the development of Car2X communication, swarm data and driver assistance systems and is (co-)inventor of 12 patents in the automotive field. In addition, she was involved in standardization committees and represented the VW Group in industry consortia.

With 14 peer-reviewed scientific publications in the fields of anthropotechnics, mobile networks and bioinformatics, Prof. Dr. Sofra brings not only extensive industrial but also scientific expertise.

We look forward to working with her and to the impetus she will bring to research and teaching!